How to tune your violin



The violin is such an elegant music material that provides with out of world music and entertainment. It doesn’t take a bad workman to blame his tool when it comes to violin. A badly tuned violin produces music miles away from standards of its caliber. Pitch matter when it comes to making your tunes with violin Pitch is synonymous to the kind of frequencies and hertz you reach in your tunes.

Tuning a violin would mean to adjust the pitch appropriately to assist getting the results you want. Compiled here is a step by step tutorial to tune your violin:

  • Placing the violin: Place your violin farthest distance from your eyes or face. Released string can possibly bruise your eyes during unexpected moment. Laying it across your lap would be more comfortable to work with.
  • Getting to tailpiece: At the bottom of violin, you can find its triangular tailpiece which holds all screw like devices pulling the strings. These screw like circular devices are fine tuners, which help you with tuning.
  • Understanding fine tuners: A violin typically has four fine tuners, while some have less or comes devoid of any. In the absence of fine tuners, your pegs help with the tuning process. You can adjust fine tuners with just your thumb and index finger.
  • Familiarising with range of pitch: Turning your fine tuner clockwise tightens the string resulting in getting a high pitch on string. Whenever you feel the pitch it high, turning it counter clockwise would loosen string and make the pitch go lower.
  • Adjusting the pitch of string: Be careful not to break strings while doing adjustments. Whenever your pegs seem too tight, loosen the string and tighten it again. Repeat clockwise and counterclockwise turns, till getting pitch right.
  • Testing pitch on strings: Try out the pitch of each string in all possible adjustment. Occasionally pluck strings from the peg or tuner to check if it has the pitch you desire. Keep ‘A’ string as your reference and compare it with every other string.
  • Repeat steps on all strings: Your violin necessarily have four strings for you to operate with. Rinse and repeat the tuning process until you get your desired pitch on strings, ‘A’,’ B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’. When you are done with all four strings tune your ‘G; string, which stays left to ‘D’. Finally, tune your ‘E’ string and tadaa! Your violin’s tuning is done.

These is a step-by-step guide on how to tune your violin. However, please contact a professional violin tuner if you are unclear about how to tune your violin.